This poem describes, brutally and in detail, the suffering experienced
by soldiers on the western front in WW1. Although a great deal of imagery
relates to the bitter weather that the men experienced, the 'exposure' of the
title is not merely the exposure to cold that the soldiers suffer, but an
exposure of the mind--the poem describes how the endless waiting and watching
breaks down men mentally as well as physically, so that their life degenerates
into a series of unanswered questions and bleak statements.
The First World War has been called a war of ‘passive suffering’ and
Owen certainly focuses here on the torments, not of battle, but of awaiting
battle. The experience of waiting for action, confined in the trenches, was for
many soldiers a profoundly unnerving experience, and one which created immense
stress. In Pat Barker's Regeneration, a fictionalised version of real
events during WW1 which features Wilfred Owen, this is described very well
when a perceptive psychiatrist, Dr Rivers, reflects on the ways in which men
are stressed and traumatised by the experience of this kind of passivity:
Mobilization. The Great Adventure. They’d been mobilised into holes in the ground so constricted they could hardly move. And the Great Adventure – the real life equivalent of all the adventure stories they’d devoured as boys – consisted of crouching in a dugout, waiting to be killed. The war that had promised so much in the way of ‘manly’ activity had actually delivered ‘feminine’ passivity, and on a scale that their mothers and sisters had scarcely known. No wonder they broke down. (Regeneration, Chapter 9, pp. 107-108)
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Siegfried Sassoon |
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John Keats |
The bitter cold lures the soldiers into hypothermia. When people experience severe cold, they often fall into a dream-like confused mental state in which they believe that they are warm. Mountaineers on Everest have died in this state, throwing off all their clothes in what is called 'paradoxical undressing' as they believe that they are actually too hot. Owen's soldiers dream that they are actually in a different place, a summer day, where they are 'sun-dozed' listening to birds and 'litterered with blossoms'. The lyrical imagery is brutally stopped by the rhetorical question at the end of stanza five: 'Is it that we are dying?' In their state of hypothermia, the soldiers experience a brief, ecstatic vision of home. Not only are they experiencing the blossom, birdsong and grass of Rupert Brooke's 'English Heaven', they imagine themselves seeing their own homes, with their household fires banked at night while the 'innocent mice rejoice' in the quiet night (a striking contrast to the 'nervous' sentries of the first stanza). However, the 'ghosts' of the soldiers cannot get home; perhaps because they are ghosts, 'on us the doors are closed'. The houses are sealed against night-time intrusion and the lonely soldiers cannot enter. Bleakly, Owen announces 'we turn back to our dying'. However, if his soldiers ‘turn back to our dying’ it is not because, like Keats, they are 'half in love' with death, but because they believe that only through sacrifice can life be preserved.
The poem is written in a form which seems to enact the long waiting which it describes. The metre is irregular, with a a loose five-line stanza half-rhymed ABBA and then concluded by a shorter fifth line which does not rhyme, though there is some echoing and repetition of this line throughout the poem. For four stanzas, including the first and the last, this final line is ‘But nothing happens’. Two stanzas conclude with questions: ‘What are we doing here?’ and ‘Is it that we are dying?’, and two repeat the idea of dying with ‘we turn back to our dying’ and ‘For love of God seems dying’. The form of the poem is unusual, and the length of the lines seems excessive to those used to the most common metres of English poetry. Generally, the longest line you will have come across in poetry is iambic pentameter, consisting of five stresses and ten syllables in each line (the longer alexandrine, with six and twelve, is relatively rare). Owen's line here outdoes both pentameter and alexandrine. The longer lines range from twelve to fifteen syllables, but the first stanza establishes a general pattern of three long lines of thirteen syllables and irregular stresses, followed by a short, five-syllable line. At times the final line is longer or shorter by a syllable or two, but the pattern set in the first stanza is generally kept to. The effect of this form is very striking. The lack of a firm metrical foot accentuates the sense of dissolution spoken of in the poem itself, and suggests vagueness, confusion, uncertainty and a sense of unending stasis. The extra syllables in the lines are often due to extra description, for instance, the winds are not simply 'merciless' they are 'merciless iced east winds', and this layering of description also accentuates the sense of endurance through misery.
The semantic field of the poem is interesting. There are a large number of words which relate to mental distress or exhaustion: 'brains ache... wearies... awake... confuse... worried... nervous... twitching' and these are reinforced by the nature of the activity attributed to the soldiers. The verbs in each stanza describe what they are doing in passive, neutral terms which emphasise their lack of aggression: 'we keep awake...we hear...we only know...we watch them...we cringe...' and these are contrasted with and juxtaposed with active verbs as Owen describes the effects of the winter on the soldiers in the trenches in a series of vivid personfications: winds ‘knife us’, the ‘mad gusts tugging on the wire’; dawn ‘attacks once more in ranks on shivering ranks of grey’, the snowflakes ‘come feeling for our faces’; the frost ‘will fasten on…us, shrivelling…puckering’. The overall effect is to make the weather seem more alive and active and certain than the men who experience it.
The poem presents a series of sharp contrasts, starting with the initial contrast between the passive soldiers and the active winds, and reinforced with the almost-paradoxical 'we keep awake because the night is silent'. Here, the expected normality of ordinary life (where it is noise that keeps you awake not silence) is replaced by the reality of war, which is that silence offers a potential threat--as the penultimate line of the first stanza explains: 'worried by silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous'. Similarly, dawn, traditionally a symbol of hope, becomes only a time of 'poignant misery', with a 'melancholy army' of clouds to attack the soldiers with cold. The frequent use of ellipsis (...) at the end of lines implies that the statements are incomplete, and that there is more to be said. It is an unusual form of punctuation, and implies that the speaker's voice is falling away through weakness or weariness. It contrasts with the certainty of the shorter final line in each stanza, the bleak 'but nothing happens' repeated most often shutting off all possibility of change or resolution.
Owen’s response to Keats develops into a description of a numbness that is nothing to do with sedation and all to do with cold. Even the bullets in stanza five, although they touch the silence are seen as 'less deadly than the air that shudders black with snow'. The personification of the weather is striking: not only are the clouds an 'army' (the 'shivering ranks of grey', unusually, not the soldiers, but the snow that attacks them) but the 'fingering stealth' of the snowflakes suggests they are impossible to avoid. Unlike Keats, whose contemplation of nature in the form of the nightingale leads him back towards life again, Owen sees nature as a personified malicious force which ‘attacks’ in a way that the formal enemy almost never does. The single mention of bullets describes them as though they were birds, in ‘sudden successive flights’, and also as ‘less deadly than the air’. In the poem, no-one dies through being shot; they die of cold.